Aaron Bockover (Page 17)

Plugins, Addins, Extensions, oh my!

We are hard at work on the next generation of Banshee, and I'll be posting details and juicy screencasts and screenshots soon. What I'm curious about now is what we should call Plugins in our UI. We use Mono.Addins in trunk now, and I have been thinking about renaming Plugins in the UI to something else, such as Extensions. My first thought was, "what does everyone else use?"


Font Sadness

I remember the days, not so long ago, when I could drop new fonts in my ~/.fonts directory and run fc-cache. The next time I instantiated a GNOME font chooser dialog somewhere, I would see my new fonts. It seems that in GNOME 2.20, I now need to restart my entire GNOME session to have the fonts show up. What is up with that? There must be a way around this. Anyone? Anyone?


Introducing PodSleuth

PodSleuth is a new project I started last May that aims to probe, identify, and expose properties and metadata bound to iPods. It obsoletes libipoddevice, which had the same goals, but due to many reasons ended up being a mess of spaghetti code and hacks due to effectively being obsoleted overnight about a year ago when Apple made a particular firmware release.